Our menu keeps up with the times. What is the best in the Sativa, Indica and Hybrid market is what we will offer you. Our contributions are very low. Our service is fast and free. Become a member today.

Our private selection of OG. This OG has an amazing flavor and a great numbing, but not a couch binding high.

Great for pain relief, nausea, appetite and a plain stay put high.

Please email us at for a list of our fresh medical marijuana's. We also have edibles and hippy dip or flakes. (ear wax) We get the best.

Our available Hippy Dip is HINDU, and our Hippy Flakes are GRAPEFRUIT! This is also better known as EAR WAX. An amazing buzz.

Call to become VERIFIED TODAY and get all the details of what is in our MEDICINE CABINET.