Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Every year on April 20, the High Times phone lines start ringing off the hook. Some of the calls come from our 420-friendly friends, wanting to wish us a happy 4/20(the official high holiday of potheads all across the world). Mostly, it's the mainstream media, wanting to know how 420 began.

As we patiently explain, 420 is not police code for pot infractions, it's not the number of molecules in cannabis, and no, it's not the official time to serve "high tea" in polite British society. The term originated in 1971 in San Rafael, California, when a group of students began meeting every day at 4:20 pm to get high under a statue of Louis Pasteur, eventually establishing their appointment for afternoon "high tea" as a slang term for the act of getting high itself. And so 420 was born, passed along informally on Grateful Dead tours for years and finally finding a home in High Times' monthly Pot 40 column.

Thank you High Times Magazine for the words of wisdom.

1 comment:

  1. I started smoking marijuana occasionally during my sophomore year of college. It eventually became a daily ritual during my junior year, after I joined a fraternity. My life went to shambles. I was a great student and person before marijuana enterted my life, but after it worked its way in my grades fell dramatically and I was detached from reality. I wanted NOTHING but marijuana. I eventually had to drop out of that school to get my life back on track. After I stopped smoking, my life began to turn around for the better again, and I have been extremely successful at my new school, weed free. Some people can handle it and remain successful, but others, such as myself, can't. It's entirely a personal decision, but my life is far superior without marijuana, and I am thankful I was able to kick the habit. ! I recommend visiting marijuana doctors was founded to act as the trusted gateway for patients searching for medical marijuana treatment in legal medical marijuana states. Hope this helps.
