Friday, October 14, 2011


Want another reason to resent the federal government? How about this: They're spending your hard-earned tax dollars on ditchweed, and you don't even get to sample the goods.(Not that you'd want to anyway, but that's not the point.)

According to the DEA (now there's a name you can trust), in 2003, the agency's Domestic Cannabis Eradication/Supression Program destroyed 247 million marijuana plants, which sounds like an impressive "victory" in the War on Drugs, until you read a bit more closely and discover that 243 million (around 99 percent) of those plants were actually feral hemp. Commonly called ditchweed, the DEA defines feral hemp as "wild, scattered marijuana plants [with] no evidence of planting, fertilizing, or tending," which, unlike cultivated marijuana, contain virtually no detectable levels of THC. Many of these wild hemp plots are descended from the U.S. government-subsidized crops planted during World War II.

- High Times

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