Tuesday, February 15, 2011


This tiny dairy town was nearly deserted in 1973, when a group of radical visionaries from the Australian Union of Students arrived with plans for the first annual Aquarius Festival. After the freak fest ended, a lot of the freaks stayed, transforming Nimbin into a left-wing hippie bastion and something of an autonomous zone when it comes to marijuana. Although the herb remains illegal as in the rest of Australia, local officials tend to turn a blind eye to small amounts of dealing and smoking in the street.

Arrive on the first weekend in May for the "Let It Grow!" Mardi Grass Fiesta and Drug Law Reform Rally, a gathering that draws ten thousand Aussies and others to a multi-day public burndown featuring political rallies, street protests, outdoor concerts, a grower's cup to judge the best local crop, and the infamous HEMP olympics, which combines joint rolling, bong throwing, and feats of strength such as running relay races while lugging giant bags of fertalizer.

Thank you High Times for the words of wisdom.

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